Friday, October 22, 2010

ALCS, Stuff I Want To Say

1. I HATE the Yankees. Really really hate.

2. Games 2, 3, and 4 were so great seeing the Yankees get beat down by the Rangers. I especially enjoyed seeing game 2 and Cliff Lee keep the Yankees from doing anything. I believe the Yankees got beat by Cliff Lee worse than they have in any other playoff game in their history.

3. I hope the series ends tonight in Game 6, but i'd love to see another Cliff beat down on the Yankees if they had to do a Game 7. Either way the Yankees have to lose. Thats all i really care about. I'm sick of the Yankees.

4. I think something ought to be done about the Yankees and their spending. There ought to be some kind of cap, some kind of limit. Since 1998 the Yankees have had a higher payroll than any other team in the league, plus most of the 1990s they were the top team if not number 2.

Its just getting worse too, back in the 90's they were only 5 to 10 million dollars above other teams.
In the last 7 years the Yankees been an average of 62 million dollars above the next highest team. 62 million dollars above any other team! That is freakin ridiculous. In 2005 they were 85 million more than the next team. The Yankees do whatever the heck they want because they have money. Its just silly and i hate them.

Notice also 2 different years. 2005 and 2008. Those 2 years were their 2 highest spending years so far. They were also the two years with the largest gap between them and any other team. Why? Why those two years? Well look what happened in 2004... they lost a 3-0 lead to the Red Sox in the ALCS. They were on the bad side of history and lost a lead nobody had ever lost in the history of baseball. So what did they do? Spent more money than they had ever spent to try to steal the best players off their best competitors. Look what happened in 2007... the Yankees didn't make the playoffs. So what did they do after that? They spent more in 2008 than they had ever previously spent to get the best players on their team and make sure the opposing teams could not have them. I know all teams in the MLB want the best players so that they can beat other teams. I get that.. What i have a problem with is how the Yankees do it. They wave their money around and cry and pout when they have a "bad" year. (aka they don't win the World Series). I'm sick of the evil empire that is the New York Yankees.

It wouldn't be so bad if players could say no to the Yankees and not go play there, but really they can't. The Yankees can offer millions of dollars a year to players than any other team can, so its not like they can refuse. Plus the players union puts pressure on them to accept when the Yankees make them an offer. The players union pressures the players to take the highest offer because its "good for all players in the league." They want them to take the most money so that the league just continues the way it is going. So even if a player wants to be loyal to the team they are on, even if they don't really want to play for the Yankees, even if they can turn down millions of dollars to stay on the team they want to be loyal to... the players union won't let them turn down the Yankees and their money.

Why do i hate the Yankees? They think they can just pick their team... and they pretty much do. Just like with other sports, the media wants the Yankees to win because it is "good for the sport." "Good for tv ratings."
What i think would be good for the sport and any other sport is to stop lifting up the big name teams and stop keeping the little guys down. I haven't even mentioned Yankee fans, but i guess that will have to wait for another day. That said tho i'm sure there are plenty of good Yankee fans i would not have any kind of problem with. All teams have good fans. See, i can say something nice.

5. I didn't mean for this to go on so long. I just had more to say i suppose.

6. Also on a related note since the Yankees are playing the Rangers:
Yankees total payroll: $206,333,389
Rangers total payroll: $55,250,544

Seems kinda lopsided to me. Thats all i'm saying.

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