Saturday, January 22, 2011

Conference Championships: Matchups

NFC Championship

14 - 21
Season Meetings: Tied 1-1
at Chicago- Bears won 20-17
at Green Bay- Packers won 10-3
Prediction: Bears win
The end for the Bears. I was wrong with my prediction, but the Bears did do a lot of things i thought they would. They played a heck of a game and tho the game was very disappointing and the outcome was depressing, i was not disappointed in the Bears.

AFC Championship
24 - 19
Season Meeting: Jets won 22-17
Prediction: Steelers win
Close game, kinda went how i thought it would. I didn't end up watching the game, i was just done with football after the Bears game. And at that point i didn't really care a whole lot who won this game.


Paul said...

Green Bay is hot right now Geoff. I think your Bears are going down. Just like the Jazz of late.

Paul said...

But since you're a Bears fan, I want you to be happy, so hopefully the Bears eat the cheese.

Geoff said...

I don't know Paul. We'll see just how hot the Packers are, and we'll see how cold the Bears can make them.

I think the Bears have more up their sleeve than people are giving them credit for. They've got some surprises for that Rodgers guy.