Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Jazz Season 2010-11 Thoughts

So i was meaning to do this a long time ago but i never have. I figured i'd quick do it now before the new season starts... but since its been so long this probably won't be all that long. Just thought i'd recap the season a bit.

Lets start with a video of Jazz top 10 for the season.

I thought the Millsap game should probably be #1 but thats just my thoughts. I guess that game wasn't really just one play that was great, but like 4 or 5. Plus the whole big ol comeback thingy too.

Here's just a regular old NBA top 10 for the year, if you wanted to watch. I didn't really want to, but i did.

There it is. Did you like it? Me neither. I should have told you not to watch it.

So i know last year i did a thing on my top games and everything, but i think i'll just say some stuff. No top lists for me this year.

The game in Miami that i mentioned earlier, with the Millsap shtuff. Awesome. One of the greatest games. Seriously. Look at my post from the game if you want. Or this post with some other junk about that game.

We made it to 4 regular season games this year. Won the first 3 and lost the last game we went to against the Bulls. Ended up being Coach Sloan's last game of coaching. That was a sucky game. Not one of my most memorable games if you know what i mean. Glad i got to go, glad i got to be there for Jerry's last game. I'm just still so bitter about the whole thing. Makes me mad. Deron was traded to NJ 3 losses later. AND, the season sorta went downhill after that. I didn't watch a ton... I ended up not posting a ton with the last bunch of games. Jazz missed the playoffs by quite a bit.

I think i'm blabin' too much now.
I'll just put a couple links to my Jerry Sloan posts back when i posted them and call it a season.
Jerry Sloan Post 1 ..... Post 2

1 comment:

Eliza said...

I didn't realize you went to the Sloan's last game. I'm still annoyed by all that too and honestly the Jazz and the entire NBA for that matter still have a bitter taste in my mouth. I didn't even care about the lockout. I was actually kind of glad there was no basketball going on.